Dancing with the Divine: A Flow of Grace by Carla De Sola, ed. by Diana Wear, and designed by David W. McCauley, Jr. (Self-published, 2021), 182 pp.; www.omegakairosbooks.com.
“Dance is revolutionary movement. It has the power to connect us to worlds beyond our own. A dancer’s outstretched hand says come...take this journey. I’m reminded as I read Dancing with the Divine that dance, as expressive as a raised fist symbolizing power, offering connection to the divine through art, is such a warm and welcome revelation.”
BK Williams, Activist, Richmond, California
Carla De Sola has danced in a sacred context for more than fifty years. Over time she noticed a common bond among dancers, in part based on their developed bodily, or kinesthetic sense, a heightened ability to read and understand the rhythms and dynamics of movement experiences. This awareness was not solely an artistic appreciation of dance but of life experiences seemingly ordinary but consciousness changing. She was led to ask other dancers if they had a story to tell of special times of awareness, that is, their own personal kairos moments—grace-filled happenings beyond ordinary chronos, or clock time, becoming imprinted on their soul. Thus, this collection came into being.
The dancer’s stories range broadly and in diverse settings. The essays are categorized into sections with introductions to frame each section, with beautiful artistry and imagination to enrich each essay. The designs, paintings, and photos throughout the book give readers’ eyes a place to rest and space for the mind to contemplate—contributing their own meditative moments.
Diana Wear is the editor and author of five essays in this book. She is co-chair of RPA’s Communications Team and she serves as co-chair of the Membership Committee.