There is a lot of state and federal money available for renters who have fallen behind on rent and utilities. Landlords can apply for money as well. Fewer people than expected are taking advantage of this help, probably because they don't know about it or find the application process too difficult. Not everyone is aware that non-citizens can qualify for assistance.
That's why we will text bank every number we can get our hands on to educate renters and landlords about the CA COVID-19 Rent Relief program. We will also connect people who need help filling out the application with phone and in-person support. This outreach effort is supported by the Richmond Progressive Alliance in cooperation with the Richmond Mayor's office, the Northern California Land Trust, and other non-profit organizations.
To reach everyone, we need many volunteers to help with text banking. Will you join us? Fill out the RSVP form below.
Volunteers will send texts from home on their home computers (not a phone). You will NOT be expected to learn details of the assistance program; instead, you'll be connecting people who ask for help to trained support staff. Text bank training will take place at the start of each session via Zoom. Login details for that Zoom call will be provided via email after you RSVP.