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Get involved in 2021!

Thanks to the election of so many outstanding city council and school board members in November, we have the opportunity to make meaningful improvements here in Richmond, starting now.  But we need a lot of voices and many hands to get it done.  Here are three ways you can be a part of that.

1. Renew Your RPA Membership

You can join RPA or renew your RPA membership here. Annual dues are $60 per year. You can pay all at once or monthly. If you can afford to give more, please consider doing so. If you cannot afford $60, please pay what you can. No one is turned away for lack of funds.

2. Join an Action Team or Committee

Schools Action Team: This team works to strengthen and improve public schools in Richmond. They work closely with stakeholders including students, parents, and teachers to research issues and make recommendations to the district and county school boards. Contact Ritchie Cook ([email protected]) to get involved.

Housing Action Team:
This team will research and develop housing-related proposals that will best serve renters, homeowners and the unhoused in Richmond. RPA is especially eager to create new low income and affordable housing stock in the city. Contact Michael Gliksohn ([email protected]) to get involved.

Budget Action Team: 
This team will analyze the city budget and to make recommendations to city council members. Some of the topics that the committee may explore include hidden money in the current budget, outside contracting, the police budget, and new revenue sources. Contact Mike Parker ([email protected]) to get involved.

Environmental Action Team:
Richmond is a frontline community that experiences “first and worst” the consequences of climate change. This team will coordinate with local environmental organizations to make sure that council members are well prepared to make decisions on environmental issues. They'll also keep track of environmental issues that may be buried in the council agenda. Contact Tarnel Abbott ([email protected]) to get involved.

Arts Action Team:
Music, poetry, and art help nourish our community.  This team adds a creative element to RPA's advocacy and political work. Contact [email protected] to get involved.

Council Assistance Team:
This team supports council members by researching and discussing issues that come up on the agenda. Contact Laura Mangles ([email protected]) to get involved.

Standing Committees:  In addition to the Action Teams, members meet in Standing Committees (Finance and Governance, Fundraising, Communications, Membership, Office) to manage the operations of the RPA.  If you'd like to join one of these committees or otherwise contribute to RPA operations, contact [email protected].

3. Apply for a Seat on the RPA Steering Committee (SC)

Every other year, the membership of the Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA) elects new leaders to steer policy and advocacy and to nurture the RPA's growth, stability, accessibility, and presence. Dues-paying members are eligible to run and/or to vote for the RPA Steering Committee (SC) at the Membership meeting scheduled for February 27, 2021.

The SC meets at least monthly. It is composed of seven officers, five or more at-large members, representation from active RPA Action Teams and from allied organizations and community groups.

We encourage members to consider running for a seat on the Steering Committee. If you are interested, please complete and submit a Richmond Progressive Alliance Steering Committee Candidate Application which will be emailed to interested members who request it at [email protected].

RPA bylaws detail RPA Membership criteria (Section V) and Steering Committee duties (Section VIII), which - at a minimum - include support for the organization’s Mission and Core Values (Sections I and II), making decisions of the RPA between quarterly Membership meetings, attending SC meetings, and regularly participating in email discussions and votes.

We anticipate electing an intergenerational, socio-economically/racially diverse, visionary Richmond Progressive Alliance Steering Committee commensurate with Richmond’s pride and purpose. We will receive applications until Monday, January 11, 2021 and after that time, the SC Recruitment Subcommittee will be in touch with interested members.

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