Richmond Vice Mayor Jovanka Beckles has announced her intention to run for Assembly District 15.
TA: Tell us a little bit about what you have achieved as a Councilmember in Richmond.
JB: As a city council member, I stood up to big real estate interests and helped Richmond become the first new rent control city in a generation. Big Soda spent millions as I campaigned to tax their deeply unhealthy products and invest the funds in nutrition and youth athletics. Working with law enforcement, I created the Richmond Municipal ID Program that allows immigrants to safely identify themselves to the police. I introduced and led the effort to raise the minimum wage and banned the box for city contractors and public housing applications in Richmond.
TA: The RPA has endorsed you multiple times for City Council, not only because of your progressive values, but also because of your vow to not take corporate political contributions. Will you continue that pledge?
JB: Billion-dollar corporations buying elections are not going to create the future we all want for California. That is why I do not take contributions from corporations -- and never will.
I am running a campaign built on individual donations and support from ordinary people. Not interest groups that are trying to influence the process for the benefit of the very few.
This campaign is for the people: it’s for regular folks who work for their living and need real change in our politics, economy and culture to thrive. I believe that by working together for a corporate-free government, we can pass laws and budgets that will expand the middle class of California for decades to come.
TA: In your experience, how has the repudiation of corporate campaign contributions made a difference in Richmond?
JB: As a member of the Richmond City Council I received a lesson in how big corporate special interests try to dominate the political process.
Chevron spent more than $3 million against me because I insisted on strong environmental protections for our community. But Chevron lost as thousands of Richmond residents re-elected me and voted for a progressive direction for our city. Richmond transformed as we revitalized the way neighbors fight for their democracy.