Thank you for your continued support for the Listening Project! We hope you are LOVING the podcast so far and enjoyed last week’s episode, Buying Us Out. In this week’s episode, Union Proud, we are bringing you a conversation between our Organizer, Marisol Cantu, City Council Member Eduardo Martinez, and BK White, Vice President of the United Steel Workers Local 5 Oil Workers Union. Marisol, Eduardo, and BK sat down for a conversation about the relationship between Chevron workers and the Richmond community at-large, and how we can come together to stand up to Big Oil for our health and wellbeing. They talk about the workers’ fight for a fair contract, and how the fight can impact the Richmond community.
In addition to YouTube, you can find the episode on a streaming service that works best for you, below:
Spotify: Union Proud - The Listening Project | Podcast on Spotify
Anchor: Union Proud by The Listening Project (
We are excited to announce that our Climate Crisis Surveyis open with another $100 Raffle to be announced on Earth Day (April 22nd, 2022). Please share with other Richmond friends, families, community members, and workers! If you have filled it out, please DO NOT fill it out again.
English Survey:
Encuesta del Listening Project:
المسح العربي: