Response to Tom Butt on Brown Act Charge

Response to Tom Butt on Brown Act Charge

Tom Butt brought up a Brown Act issue when reading the RPA’s announcement of it’s new member-elected Steering Committee. The RPA Steering Committee has known since its inception that it could never have more than three council members on it.  There was an error on our website with Eduardo Martinez' name mistakenly included on the 2017 RPA Steering Committee that has since been corrected.  Eduardo had been on the RPA Steering Committee prior to the 2016 election, and right after the election in November 2016, he resigned in order to comply with the Brown Act, since we now had Jovanka and two council members elect (Melvin and Ben) on it.  Jovanka, Melvin and Ben were also on the nominated slate for the 2017 RPA Steering Committee.  Eduardo was not.